Ms Sylvia Munafu

College Librarian COBAMS


Sylvia is a Librarian at Makerere University, currently working as College Librarian at the College of Business and Management Science (CoBAMS) Library. She holds a Bachelor’s degree in Library and Information Science from Makerere University and a Master’s degree in Information Technology from the University of Pretoria, South Africa. She provides support and training to staff and students on: effective use of online databases, remote access to library resources, referencing and citation, information retrieval and search strategies. She also provides document delivery services, user orientation, library collection management and outreach.

Her research interests include: information behavior, library user experiences, knowledge management, social media use, reference services, misinformation and disinformation, integrated library Systems and information literacy. Sylvia serves on the Library training and development committee as well as the Welfare committee. She currently also serves as the secretary to the eResources Functional Committee of the Consortium of Uganda University Libraries (CUUL).

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  • The design and implementation of knowledge management systems in academic libraries to enable knowledge management processes: A case study of Makerere university library
  • Online Learning a Fundamental Response to Quality Education
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