Agness Namaganda, PhD

College Librarian CEDAT


Agnes Namaganda holds a PhD in Information Science from the East African School of Library and Information Science, Makerere University. She began her professional career at Katigondo National Major Seminary in 2000. In 2003, she joined Makerere University Library, initially working in the Technical Services Section. Her dedication and expertise led to her transfer to the Africana/Special Collections Section in 2006. In 2010, she became the Head of the Social Sciences Library, demonstrating her leadership capabilities and commitment to enhancing library services. In 2011, Agnes returned to head the Africana/Special Collections Section. She became the Team Leader, College of Engineering, Design, Art and Technology in 2021.

Her research interests focus on Continuing Professional Development, Archives and Preservation, and User studies. She is an active member of professional organisations such as the Uganda Library and Information Association (ULIA), and the Consortium of Uganda University Libraries (CUUL). Her dedication to mentoring others reflects her belief that libraries play a crucial role in supporting education and research. Her published works include:

Publications (Journal Papers)

  • Namaganda, A. (2020). Continuing professional development as transformational learning: A case study. Journal of Academic Librarianship, 46 (2020) 102152
  • Namaganda, A. & Omona, W. (2020). Understanding librarians’ continuing professional development. Qualitative and Quantitative Methods in Libraries (QQML), 9(3), 521-543.
  • Namaganda, A. (2019). Continuing professional development of librarians in Public University Libraries in Uganda: A Survey. Qualitative and Quantitative Methods in Libraries (QQML): 8 (3), 291-306.
  • Namaganda, A. & Sekikome, P. (2013). Users Perceptions of Makerere University Library Services. Qualitative and Quantitative Methods in Libraries (QQML), 4: 403–410.

Publications (Book Chapters)

  • Namaganda, A.K. & State, E. (2018). The information literacy programme at Makerere University. In: Information literacy programmes among the consortium of Uganda University libraries Edited by Isaac M.N. Kigongo-Bukenya ... [et al.]. Kampala: Consortium of Uganda University Libraries. 124 p. ISBN: 9789970569038.
  • Namuleme, R. K. & Kanzira, A. N. (2015). Research support services in academic libraries in Uganda. In: The quest for a deeper meaning of research support. R. Raju, A. Adam, G. Johnson, C. Miller, and J. Pietersen, Eds. Cape Town: University of Cape Town Libraries.

Publications (Conference Presentations)

  • Namaganda, A., Stultiens, A. & Naluwooza, M. (2016). Promoting genealogy and local history collections using social media in Uganda. IFLA, World Library and Information Conference 2016: Columbus, OH.
  • Mwesigwa, A. & Namaganda, A. (2014). Tracing the benefits of the Learning and Teaching in a Digital World (LATINA) training programme in East Africa. IFLA, World Library and Information Conference, 16-22 August 2014, Lyon, France.
  • Namaganda, A. (2012). Institutional Repositories and Higher Education in Uganda: The role of the Consortium of Uganda University Libraries. The 15th International Symposium on Electronic Theses and Dissertations, 9-14 September 2012, Lima, Peru.
  • Namaganda, A. (2011). Digitization of Uganda’s Musical Cultural Heritage: Lessons from Makerere University Library Digital Archive. Second International Conference on African Digital Libraries and Archives (ICADLA-2), 14-18 November 2011. Johannesburg, South Africa.
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