

College of Natural Sciences

Located at the extension of the Mathematics Building and accommodates books acquired by purchase through Book Bank system, donations, gifts, exchange and dissertations deposited by graduate students. It houses books of Mathematics, Chemistry and allied sciences, Zoological sciences /animals, Plants, Earth sciences, and Life science (physiology, biochemistry, physiological systems of plants and animals, genetics and evolution, ecology, natural history of organisms, microorganisms fungi and algae).

School of Biosciences Book Bank

Located in the Department of Plant Sciences; Microbiology also houses books on Zoological sciences /animals, Plants and life sciences.

Physics Book Bank located at the Physics building houses Physics books.

Sports Science Book Bank located at Lincoln Flats, Makerere University houses sports Science books


The CONAS library management and service delivery is handled by one (1) Librarian and three(3 ) Library assistants


The borrowing regulations on this page apply to current registered Makerere university user community (staff, students and researchers-external users). The library lends books and other documents from its collection for study and research purposes.

Lending regulations

The borrowers accessing the Library’s services require a Makerere University identity card. The card can be used at all the various collection locations. 

Books may normally be borrowed for a period of two weeks. The loan period must be observed. The loan period can be reduced for books on reservation lists. Special rules apply for textbooks. Loan restrictions are imposed on certain kinds of material. Overdue books on reserve must be returned immediately. Other loans may usually be renewed. Loans must be returned during periods of extended absence. Lending library material to a third party is not allowed.

If overdue books are not returned after two overdue notices, borrowers will, be bound to pay a fine.

Lost and damaged materials

When library material are lost or damaged, it is costly and disruptive to the library and its borrowers. Borrowers are responsible for lost or damaged material. Marking text or writing in library material, tearing, staining, is considered damage. Replacement fees are therefore charged to the most recent borrower when problems are discovered. If you receive an item in a damaged state, you should report this when taking it out, to avoid being charged a fee. 

New Books

Please click the links below to view new books at CONAS

New Books 1

New Books 2

Rules & Regulations

The Library space is meant to provide a conducive and enabling environment for academic activities so all users are expected to adhere to the guidelines as stated below.  

Please adhere to the Rules & Regulations:

  • Observe silence in all library areas.
  • Smoking and consumption of food and drinks are forbidden in all parts of the library.
  • Mobile phones are not allowed in the library. A fine of 5000/= is charged for use of mobile phones within the library.

Opening hours

Days  Morning Afternoon
Monday to Friday  8.00 am – 12.30 pm 2.00 pm – 5.00 pm
Saturday & Sunday Closed Closed
Public Holidays Closed Closed

Team Leader contact

For further information contact the college library team leader:

Ms. Sarah. N. Maka – College Librarian

Email: / /