CEDAT E-resources Guide

E-Resources relevant to CEDAT courses

IEEE (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers)

The IEEE Xplore digital library is a powerful resource for scientific and technical content published by the IEEE and its publishing partners. Topics covered include:

  1. Electrical Engineering
  2. Biotechnology
  3. Communication, Networking & Broadcasting
  4. Computing & Telecommunications
  5. Power, Energy, & Industry Applications
  6. Robotics & Control Systems
  7. Signal Processing & Analysis

American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE)

American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE) is designed to provide bibliographic access to all ASCE publications. The database covers all the journals, conference proceedings, books, standards, manuals, magazines, and newspapers. The core subjects are Civil and Construction Engineering. Topics covered include:

  1. Natural Environment
  2. Geotechnical engineering
  3. Water Resource Engineering
  4. Utilities and Surveying
  5. Environmental Engineering
  6. Construction
  7. Transportation Engineering
  8. Structural Engineering
  9. Applied Mechanics


arXiv is an open-access archive hosted by Cornell University providing access to scholarly articles. The subject areas include:

  1. Physics,
  2. Mathematics,
  3. Computer Science,
  4. Quantitative Biology,
  5. Electrical Engineering/Systems Science,
  6. Quantitative Finance,
  7. Statistics and Economics.

JoVE (Journal of Visualised Experiments)

JoVE is a video resource that enables users to quickly and systematically learn new research methods and technologies developed at top science laboratories. The subject areas include: Engineering

  1. Environmental Sciences
  2. Statistics
  3. Clinical
  4. Biology
  5. Physics
  6. Chemistry
  7. Pharmacology
  8. Psychology


SpringerLink provides access to an online collection of journals, eBooks, and reference work.

Areas of coverage include:

  1. Engineering,
  2. Computer science,
  3. Mathematics and statistics,
  4. Behavioural science,
  5. Biomedical and life sciences,
  6. Chemistry and materials science,
  7. Earth and environmental science,
  8. Medicine,
  9. Physics and astronomy.

ProQuest Ebook Central (Ebooks)

ProQuest Ebook Central is a platform that provides access to a collection of more than 135,000 full-text ebooks from thousands of publishers, including Allen & Unwin, Wiley, Pearson, and Oxford University Press. The ProQuest Ebook Central platform allows searching by full text, title, author, subjects, publication dates, and more.

Subject Coverage:

  1. Technology and engineering,
  2. Business,
  3. Economics,
  4. Humanities,
  5. Life and physical science, and
  6. Social and behavioral sciences.

Taylor & Francis Online 

Taylor & Francis is one of the world’s leading academic publishers. The subject areas include:

  1. Civil Engineering
  2. Chemical Engineering
  3. Mechanical Engineering
  4. Humanities
  5. Social Sciences
  6. Medicine, dentistry, Nursing & Allied Health

Emerald Publishing

Emerald offers a wide range of products, including journals, books and case studies.

Subject Coverage:

  1. Engineering
  2. Property management & built environment
  3. Health & social care
  4. Accounting, finance & economics
  5. Business, management & strategy
  6. Public policy & environmental management
  7. Education
  8. Equality, diversity & inclusion
  9. HR, learning & organisation studies
  10. Information & knowledge management

Wiley Online Library

Provides full-text access to over 300 journals published by John Wiley & Sons. The subjects covered include: 

  1. Computer Science,
  2. Engineering,
  3. Mathematics & Statistics,
  4. Earth Science,
  5. Business, Finance & Management,
  6. Chemistry,
  7. Education, 
  8. Law,
  9. Life & Medical Science,
  10. Physics and Psychology


EBSCOhost offers a variety of content across a broad spectrum of subjects such as: 

  1. Physical Sciences & Engineering
  2. Business, Finance & Accounting,
  3. Life & Earth Sciences
  4. Health and Medical Sciences,
  5. Math & Statistics.