The Book Bank section is the print books acquisitions section, located on the 3rd floor (old building) of the Main Library.
The section is responsible for the purchase of print books (both local and international) for the Main Library, College libraries and Book Banks that are spread across Makerere University and its campuses.
The acquisition process starts at the colleges where lecturers compile reading lists of titles of books that they recommend for their students’ reading and research. These lists are then forwarded to the College Librarians who then forward these lists to the Head, Book bank section who forwards them to prequalified book suppliers for quotations and eventual purchase. The entire acquisitions process is done and accomplished with the University Secretary and the Makerere University Procurement and Disposal Department following Mak procurement procedure.
The acquisition process includes book selection, purchase order lists from academic staff and other staff. These books are selected according to the Makerere University prospectus to support teaching, learning and research. Lists of the new books are sent to the College library and are used for Current Awareness of new acquisitions.
The Book bank section is also responsible for the replacement of lost print library books. Students and staff who lose library books are required to pay the cost of the latest edition of the lost book(s) or return a new physical copy of the latest edition of the book(s) keeping in mind that terms and conditions apply.
The section is also in charge of overseeing and supporting the stocktaking, weeding and disposal activities within the Main Library, college libraries and book banks. There are guidelines in place to help direct the weeding process. The disposal of library books is also guided by the PPDA Act 2003.
In case of inquiries, contact Ms. Nankya Maria A Mwebe
Head, Book bank: