Ms Maria Assumpta Nankya Mwebe 

Head Bookbank


Ms Maria Assumpta Nankya Mwebe  is a Librarian currently Head Book Bank Section and Coordinator Collection Development Committee. She holds a Master of Science in Information Science, a Bachelor of Library and Information Science, and Diploma in Customs Clearing & Forwarding.

She has worked in Makerere for 3 decades since 1991 beginning humbly as a Library Assistant and due to her impeccable record of work Maria rose to the level of Librarian. She has wide experience in managing the University Library having worked in School of Statistics & Applied Economics, Technical Services, Africana, Book Bank and College Libraries of School of Law, CEES, CONAS, CoBAMs, and CoVABS. She is particularly excellent in Collection Development; Acquisition, Selection, Book Processing, Stocktaking, Weeding, Disposal and policy development. She has been a member of Library Management for over a decade.